Monday, March 3, 2014

Bring on the challenge!

Winter has not been kind. It's been two dark months of snow storms, frigid temperatures, gray skies, and lots and lots of carbs. It's been night after night of sitting in front of Netflix or Hulu Plus with huge bowls of macaroni and cheese, cupcakes, or gooey pizza with extra sauce. Ahhh! just thinking about it makes me want to run out and pick up a large pie...dammit!

Winter will soon come to an end and along with broken shovels, pot holes the size of craters, and mix matched mittens it will also leave behind my expanding waist line. Spring is around the corner. At least according to CVS and Duane Reade, with all the St. Patrick's Day decor and Easter eggs. These are all clear signs that warmer days are approaching. Time to put down the fork and lace up the sneakers.

With this in mind, I decided to join the Biggest Loser Challenge here at the UN - 21 participants and 2 months of fierce, but clean competition. Our goal is to motivate and help each other reach our goals to improve our eating habits and shed a few pounds...and of course win the GRAND PRIZE.

So, let the games begin and good luck to everyone!

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