Monday, April 27, 2009
back to my morning blogging routine. Night blogging is just not working out for me. Rubbing my eyes...time for bed.
- Yeye
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Aaahhh! Heat! Loving it!
Sitting in my office right now finding it very difficult to complete a literary translation. It's boring - plain and simple.
Purchased my tickets today for Puerto Rico. It's nice to have something to look forward to-home cooked meal, coconut and guava desserts, palm trees, beach-especially when it's your family and friends. Soon it will be time to seriously search for a job and God only knows when will be my next visit to the island. Not fair at all. However, I'm grateful and happy that I will have this opportunity.
My gandparents haven't been doing well. This time it was my grandmother's turn. She was in the hospital over the weekend with some type of virus. As usual, I do not find out about these things unless I ask. She refrains from telling me, so that I don't worry. I'm always worrying. They are both in their 80's and slowing down. She doesn't cook much, so she relies on fast food or very simple foods that don't provide much nutrition. So, one of my goals is to go food shopping and prepare some meals for them. Actually, it was my grandmother's request. Just amazes me how roles are switched.
Good night!
- Yeye
Sitting in my office right now finding it very difficult to complete a literary translation. It's boring - plain and simple.
Purchased my tickets today for Puerto Rico. It's nice to have something to look forward to-home cooked meal, coconut and guava desserts, palm trees, beach-especially when it's your family and friends. Soon it will be time to seriously search for a job and God only knows when will be my next visit to the island. Not fair at all. However, I'm grateful and happy that I will have this opportunity.
My gandparents haven't been doing well. This time it was my grandmother's turn. She was in the hospital over the weekend with some type of virus. As usual, I do not find out about these things unless I ask. She refrains from telling me, so that I don't worry. I'm always worrying. They are both in their 80's and slowing down. She doesn't cook much, so she relies on fast food or very simple foods that don't provide much nutrition. So, one of my goals is to go food shopping and prepare some meals for them. Actually, it was my grandmother's request. Just amazes me how roles are switched.
Good night!
- Yeye
Thursday, April 23, 2009
There's a lot of noise. Zero patience today for anything or anyone. Just want to be left alone. Actually, haven't had breakfast today. Low blood sugar. Oh, great, my husband just showed up with an apple turnover...because my ass isn't big enough already. Ugh! PMS! Why are you so evil? I hate feeling this way; total bitch.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Horses and Fire Extinguishers
Husband has suggested we use the extra blanket tonight. Time for bed.
¡Buenas noches!
- Yeye
¡Buenas noches!
- Yeye
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Fabulous Red
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Literalmente literaria
Que fastidio. Encontre la tecla para las tildes y ahora no me acuerdo cual es. Bueno, solo quedan tres semanas para completar la clase de Traduccion II. La clase se basa en traduccion literaria, y como los demas compaƱeros de clase, la realidad es que no tengo mucho interes en ella. Claro, pongo todo mi esfuerzo para aprender y entender pues uno nunca sabe las vueltas que da el mundo. Nunca falla. He aprendido por mis propias experiencias.
La traduccion es de un cuento de Nadine Gordimer, ganadora del Premio Nobel en Literatura, nacida y criada en Sudafrica y defensora de los derecho civiles de la poblacion negra en este pais. Muchos de sus cuentos y novelas se basan en los prejuicios e intolerancias que ella ha visto y vivido. Para mas informacion sobre la autor visite
Bueno, a buscar la dichosa tilde...hasta la proxima.
- Y.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Baked Chocolate Tart
Recipe courtesy Jamie Oliver
5 ounces of unsalted butter
5 1/2 ounces semisweet chocolate
8 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
Small pinch of salt
4 eggs
7 ounces granulated sugar
3 tablespoons maple syrup
3 medium heaping tablespoons sour cream or creme fraiche
10-inch tart shell, baked blind
Place the butter, chocolate, cocoa powder and salt in a bowl over a pan of simmering water and allow to melt, stirring occasionally until well mixed. In a separate bowl beat the eggs and sugar together until light and well creamed, and then add the maple syrup and sour cream or creme fraiche. Stir the chocolate mixture into this mixture, scraping all the chocolate off with a spatula. Once you have mixed it well, pour it into the pastry shell. Place into a preheated 300 degree oven for 45-50 minutes. During cooking a beautiful crust will form on top.
Carefully remove the tart from the oven and allow to cool on a rack for at least 45 minutes, during which time the skin will crack and the filling will shrink slightly.
Enjoy with fresh berries and whipped cream.
5 ounces of unsalted butter
5 1/2 ounces semisweet chocolate
8 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
Small pinch of salt
4 eggs
7 ounces granulated sugar
3 tablespoons maple syrup
3 medium heaping tablespoons sour cream or creme fraiche
10-inch tart shell, baked blind
Place the butter, chocolate, cocoa powder and salt in a bowl over a pan of simmering water and allow to melt, stirring occasionally until well mixed. In a separate bowl beat the eggs and sugar together until light and well creamed, and then add the maple syrup and sour cream or creme fraiche. Stir the chocolate mixture into this mixture, scraping all the chocolate off with a spatula. Once you have mixed it well, pour it into the pastry shell. Place into a preheated 300 degree oven for 45-50 minutes. During cooking a beautiful crust will form on top.
Carefully remove the tart from the oven and allow to cool on a rack for at least 45 minutes, during which time the skin will crack and the filling will shrink slightly.
Enjoy with fresh berries and whipped cream.
Un espreso con espreso
Buenos dias. Me encuentro sentada en mi cocina tomandome un delicioso cafecito con mi "laptop" llamado Espreso (es una computadora Dell de color marron) escribiendo o por lo menos intentando de escribir un "blog". Decidi empezar a escribir en espanol para ver si mejoro mis habilidades de redaccion. Veremos.
Ya van casi dos semanas de desempleo y todavia me siente fuera de mis elementos. Es como estuviera en unas vacaciones extendidas. Ultimamente me he pasado como una ama de casa-limpiando, recogiendo, lavando-pero unas de las cosas que si estoy disfrutando es cocinar. La realidad es que cuando estaba trabajando para Olympus mis deseos para cocinar o preparar postres fueron disminuyendo, y aunque si cocinaba, no me daba el mismo gusto. Era otra tarea mas. No hace mucho unos de mis suenos era matricularme en clases de cocina o una escuela donde podia aprender a cocinar profesionalmente. Creo que esos suenos volvieron aparecer. Como mi padre y mi tio, disfruto mucho investigar nuevas recetas, experimentar con ingredientes, e imaginarme que mis esfuerzos y amor es trasmitida a la comida tal como la novela de Laura Esquivel Como agua para chocolate. Me alegra mucho, sobre todo, ver la caras y expresiones de mis familiares y amistades cuando se saborean esa primer bocadito de una deliciosa comida casera.
Se puede decir que ya logre unos de mis suenos que era tomar mis cursos de traduccion. No me puedo quejar y con la ayuda de la Virgen espero continuar logrando mis suenos, sea ahora o en el momento preciso.
Hasta la proxima...perdona la ortografia. Ya investigare como poner las tildes.
- Y.
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